
                               Membership Fee Schedule

Adult Club Membership - $165.00 per person

Youth Club Membership - $75.00 per person  (Def’n of “Youth”- must be 18 years or younger and attending a local school.)

Social Membership - $25.00 per person  (Def'n of "Social" - supporter of the club, promoter of the sport.)


Local & Non-Okanagan Resident Guests

Guests who are not a registered member of any lawn bowling club wishing to bowl are required to pay $10.00 per person, per visit and $5.00 for bowls rental, if needed.

Guests who are a registered member of another Lawn Bowling club will bowl for free, however a donation would be accepted.

Guests are asked to sign the Guest Book each time they play.

Club Bowls

The annual rental fee for a set of Club bowls is $30.00. Bowls must remain at the club.

Club Lockers

Club Locker Rentals, if available, are $15.00 per member, per season.

Name Tags

There are two (2) types of VLBC name tags available. The Pin style ($6.00 ea.) & the Magnetic style  ($8.00 ea.).